Winter is over, Spring has arrived! I welcome it with open arms. The sun feels so good on bare skin, if ever so briefly.

A change in the seasons is always welcomed with enthusiasm. As a long cold winter is starting to fade the days grow slightly longer and spring bulbs burst forth with splashes of yellow, red, purple and blue.

They share the garden with the winter rose, Helleborus, Camillas and Daphnes and the fragrance is amazing. Recent guests all comment on the fabulous floral scent that surrounds our small cottage.

Any colour and foliage is appreciated in contrast to the bare stark branches of our large trees. However, as the days grow longer, blossoms are already beginning to emerge. By the end of September the garden will be a blaze of vibrant green foliage and before you know it spring has sprung and Summer has began.

Not only does spring bring new growth into the garden, it is also the season in Armidale and the New England for new events and activities. It is a great time to visit, especially for those with a love of gardens and local products.

For instance, the Saumarez homestead tours and Spring Fair is on the 12 and 13th September. This will include lectures on country garden design, house tours and market stalls selling all things plant related, all located on the beautiful grounds of Saumarez.

Kentucky Seasonal craft and produce weekend would also be worth a visit on the same weekend on the 13th September. Kentucky is a quaint country village just south of Uralla. A great place to explore, especially on a bike.

On the 17 and 18th October, four amazing gardens east of Guyra will be open for the public as part of a local fundraiser. As one of the highest points on the tableland, these gardens will be truly a cool climate experience.

By the 7 and 8th November, the St Peters open garden scheme in Armidale allows the public to see a host of town and country gardens not often open to the public. This is the best time for gardens in Armidale. Roses are out in full bloom and new foliage looks luxuriant. The ravages of a dry summer and possible insect attack have yet to wreak havoc.

Stay tuned into what’s on in and around Armidale by subscribing to my Blooms & Bicycles blog.

There are so many opportunities to meet other gardeners, enjoy their efforts and gain some new ideas. It’s a great way to see the beauty of cool climate gardens – and also have some fabulous food. Fun and relaxing!

With a choice of locations, varying distances and favourable weather, Spring ignites the desire to begin cycling again. I am looking forward to sharing my cycling efforts, new routes and discoveries along the way, along with new garden plants and ideas. Happy gardening and cycling!

About Jennifer

Jennifer Sullivan is a passionate gardener, recreational cycler, and owner of Creekside Cottages, private self-catering accommodation in beautiful Armidale, New England, NSW.